Web Hosting Canada Systems Status
All systems are operational


Maintenance: Web Hosting - HARPER

A maintenance operation has been planned for Harper server from September 18 at 11:55 PM ET until September 19 at 03:00 AM ET. Your website and email may experience a slowdown in performance and a short interruption during this period. Everything should be back to normal right after. Changes made to your account during the maintenance window may be lost.

Une opération de maintenance est prévue pour le serveur Harper du 18 septembre à 23h55 HE jusqu'au 19 septembre à 03h HE. Votre site web et votre courriel pourraient subir un ralentissement et une courte interruption pendant cette période. Tout devrait revenir à la normale par la suite. Les modifications apportées à votre compte pendant la période de maintenance risquent d'être perdues.

Maintenance: Web Hosting - EDWARD

A maintenance window has been scheduled for edward between 2024-09-19 07:04 and 2024-09-19 08:04.

Impact: All services will be back after maintenance

Impact duration: 1 hour

Past Incidents

29th November 2023

No incidents reported

28th November 2023

No incidents reported

27th November 2023

No incidents reported

26th November 2023

No incidents reported

25th November 2023

No incidents reported

24th November 2023

No incidents reported

23rd November 2023

No incidents reported